Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Picking back up after a bit.

Did my last post in August and have been running around a bit with parent in laws and World event achievements to get. First let me say that I think it's unfair to place a years worth of effort on a random drop. Although I've got my Squashling and Helm on two different characters I feel the pain of anyone that has not. One of my characters still hasn't got a Toothpick yet and I find that I'm running out of time. While it's not so important that both characters get it I feel that this should have been addressed similarly as Hops in the Brewfest. Something vendor purchasable to allow the unlucky to motor on. /endrant

That out of the way I turn to some more Druidly things on the horizon. I'm kind of disappointed in my Druid brethren at the amount of commotion that was caused with the nerfing of rejuvenate. Loss of one tick was not nearly as bad as the commotion caused. Loss of the GCD nerf from Gift of the Earth Mother. They may not be connected but it seems we won't be through Rejuv as often as we can now and that's made Blizz happy enough. Whatever the effect we'll motor on.

In raiding, my guild is pushing hard on getting Yogg down. With good results. Only a handful of hours attempting him and we are into P2 pretty strong. This all in the same night we do Ony, VoA if possible and full clear of TotC. Very nice.

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