Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What kind of player are you?

I've been thinking about a question that you can ask a person to attempt to gleam what kind player they are. Unfortunately its difficult to discern the lines I'm trying to define in the question.

In the simplest form the question is: Would you prefer to put in the work and live stylishly, accept what you get now and live comfortably or play the lotto every week and hope to win?

I define people in WoW in three different categories: Those that know how to play and work towards bettering themselves (general raider metality), those that enjoy the game but don't go out of their way to better themselves (usually social players) and the rest of the idiots who would prefer to do everything half assed and complain when things don't go right.

I'm looking into this as our guild opens recruitment to find another healer. Our guild is a hodgepodge of player types, mostly held together by friendships. Some are ex-hardcore raiders and want to man up and crush content. Others are socials that don't do enough research to make themselves viable in their class roles. So as we progress we have to get more stringent. We have to better understand our raiders PoV and what drives them. Only then can we work on those that we can and cut those we can't.

So what am I? A lot of Style and a little Speed. I'm meticulous in how I gear my character and what enchants and gems I use. I research the gear and methods before hand and I study boss fights. But on the other hand I roll my luck with people who do not do so. So it's double edge for me.

So what are you?

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